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"Karel and Lilia" - now in Russian

A story inspired by a love preserved over the years, which endured the political propaganda and division of communism.
The action takes place in the present day in the beautiful resort town of Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic.

The book "Sasha, Liza and the Seasons" is dedicated to the annual cycle of nature and the change of seasons - spring, summer, autumn and winter. Written with amazing ease, with some purely Bulgarian rhythm and slang. Quite modern and at the same time very useful, because it contains the most necessary and basic information that every parent would like to pass on to their children and grandchildren.

The Novel – “MARINA”


The events in the “Marina” novel are also inspired by real life. The act   is laid   in Bulgaria and France in the 80’s of the previous century.


The novel’s plot deals with   the family complex relations, true friendship, drugs problems, the betrayal. The main character is married to an ocean fishery sailor. They have a daughter and their life is a consecution of   happy moments without shocking events and insults.


They live in harmony before she realizes that she wants something more from life – wild and   passionate love. The object of her emotions is a young Parisian whom she has corresponded with for a long time after she finds his address on a French magazine’s dating page. Marina meets   for the first time the man of her feelings on Bulgarian seaside.


Her passions fostered by their meeting make her take a well-advised step - to leave her husband. Soon she goes to Paris to her beloved one. There with Anry and the little Dalila they begin a happy life and make future plans. Everything turns upside down when Anry goes out to meet with drug dealers where he is killed. Marina is shocked with the incident and doesn’t find the strength to go ahead, look for a job and settle down in France. Instead she chooses the easier way back to her native country, her ex husband and friends. Marina tries to resume the balance in the family. She finds a professional realization in her first novel’s publication but   the memory of the love not actually experienced and the sadness of the dreams that never come true leave forever in her and hurt.


In the characters and the events full of feelings, emotions, fears and dreams, every reader can discover themselves and their lives.


“Marina” novel was published twice in Bulgarian, in 1992 and in 2002. In 2011 in Bulgaria the novel was issued for the first time in Russian language where the author was published under her own names - Margarita Paykova.





“The Australian girl” novel’s plot had been inspired from real life. The action takes place in Bulgaria and Australia in the seventies of the past century.


The novel is based upon young woman’s love story, born and grown up in Australia but who met the love of her life far from her home- in Bulgaria. Although it tells about love, the novel   could not be defined as love novel.


The characters in the novel are like us- they suffer, they love actually, mourn the lost hopes and dream of good professional and life fulfilment, they hate and forgive. They don’t escape the terrible death. In the novel it hasn’t been left out the eternal theme: children - parents relationship based on great love and care but also on disagreement and reproach. Till the end of the novel the characters live for the real happiness and everybody has their own struggle to obtain it.


Emily Damon is an young and attractive lady, born in the family of an Australian man and a Bulgarian woman. Greta, her mother leaves   her native land in 1943 and emigrates to Australia. Soon her daughter is born. When Amy grows up, her mother decides   to send her to visit her two sisters in Bulgaria. In their native town she meets a man a bit younger than her and she falls in love spontaneously. He returned her feelings wholeheartedly and they make plans for the future. But in her mother’s native land Amy meets not only the love but also a world different from her own. An Another type of value system and habits. Encho Monev, her uncle is a retired party activist, lawyer and a public accuser, a committed communist but also a person who puts the human and moral values at the forefront. Although old he actively opposes the progressively establishing system of governance and control. Emily comes back to Australia to continue her work. When she tells her mother about her beloved one and shows her   his photograph, she breeds in her feelings that Amy doesn’t understand. Her mother is against their relationship. Amy doesn’t find out why and continues to maintain correspondence with   Philip. Next year she visits Bulgaria again. Together with her beloved Philip they experience wonderful moments. When she returns back to Australia she finds out she is pregnant. Then Greta, her mother makes up her mind to reveal a long kept secret, which even her husband doesn’t know. Michael Damon is not her biological father. After several letters to her sister Roza, she is already sure that Amy’s   real father and her beloved’s father are one and the same person. Her mother greatest love, the person with whom   she cuts all communications after he refuses to emigrate with her. Several years later he dies and never learns that she was pregnant.  This shocks Emily Damon. She is confused and embittered. Her mother’s confession breeds powerful emotions in Greta and she dies of a heart attack in her sleep. Amy hides the truth from her father and soon after the funeral she marries a rich and elder magazine publisher. She cuts all communications with her beloved Philip but doesn’t find the strength to abort. Not long after she gives birth to a dead embryo. This puts an end of this period of her life. But it leaves the bitterness of the price she pays for her mother’s mistakes.


The worldly drama of   Emily Damon – the Australian girl of Bulgarian origin, is bred by   powerful passions and insurmountable obstacles, set against the background of the social and political system of that time which is real and makes a fascinating reading full of unexpected twists and shocking collisions.


In “The Australian girl” novel there isn’t any sign of the American bestsellers’ pink and powdered romance with the compulsory happy end. The characters are more deep, the plot is engrossing and   full of tension. It is read at one go and the unexpected twists do not leave the reader indifferent.


“The Australian girl” novel has two editions in Bulgarian, in 2002 and in 2012.

"Autumn in Prague" novel in Bulgarian and Russian

In the early 1990s, a young woman decided to face the unknown to change her life.

Coming to the wonderful Prague, she discovers the other side of the dreamy "new world".

Should he return to his homeland or continue his search for happiness?


A story in which many women decided to emigrate will discover their own real experiences.

The book is pleasant and at the same time seriously honest, somehow posing a lot of unresolved problems of svyarzani from traffic to chorus and illegal immigration.

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